GWU Mathematics Department Graduate Student Seminar

Our new webpage is located here.

Welcome to the Graduate Student Seminar of the GWU Mathematics Department. This seminar began in 2006 with the intention of presenting and teaching graduate level research to peers and colleagues having various mathematical interests. Nearly all talks are accessible to mathematics graduate students of various specialties and also advanced undergraduate students. Please join us if you are interested in any of the scheduled talks listed on this page.

All Graduate Student Seminar talks will be held in the GWU Math Department's Seminar Room, unless otherwise noted.

Monroe Hall 267
2115 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052

This site was maintained by Tyler White and Joseph Herning of the GWU Mathematics Department.

Disclaimer: The views and policies articulated in these pages are those of the authors. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by George Washington University.