GWU Mathematics Department Graduate Student Seminar
Seminar Archives

Welcome to our seminar's archives! You can find, in the links below, abstracts for each talk given from 2006 to 2010. The talks are listed in reverse chronological order. For recent talks, see our new webpage here.

Spring 2010

Andrew Samuelson Analytical and Computational Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction Applications to Aneurysms
Scott Cochran Validation and Verification of Computational Homology for Random Fields
Shitao Liu Inverse Problem for a Wave Equation

Fall 2009

Radmila Sazdanovic Chromatic Graph Cohomology and Khovanov Link Homology
Lu Xie An Introduction to and Solutions of Laplace's Equation
Forest Fisher Monoidal Categories
Tyler White Introduction to Substitution Dynamical Systems
Joseph Herning Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics
Valentina Harizanov Constructing Computable Linear Orderings with Non-Computable Properties
Mike Coleman MATLAB Software and Programming for Numerical Analysis
Lowell Abrams What are Self-dual Graph Embedding and How can I Construct Them?

Spring 2009

Faculty Panel Annual Employment Search Panel
Radmila Sazdanovic Categorification and SLarc Algebra
Michael J. Coleman Paper Folding and Polyhedral Origami
Yongwu Rong Mathematics is Beautiful! Mathematics is Useful!
Vincent Guingona An Introduction to Model Theory
Jennifer Chubb Fractals!
Kouki Taniyama Regular Projections of Knots

Fall 2008

Valentina Harizanov Turing Degrees of Complexity
E. Arthur Robinson An Introduction to Mathematica Software
Daniel Ullman The Mathematics of Elections
Forest Fisher Hopf Algebras and Combinatorics
Hillary Einziger Lattice of Non-crossing Partitions
Mike Coleman Introduction to MATLAB Software & Programming
Tyler White Representations and Arithmetic of Numbers in a Non-Integer Base
Ken Shoda Matroids: Introduction and Lattices of Cyclic Flats
Radmila Sazdanovic The Unknotting Number and Unknotting Gap
Jennifer Chubb Model Theory and Computability

Spring 2008

Faculty Panel Annual Employement Search Panel
Robert Allen Isometries on the Bloch Space
Karen Lange The Relative Strength of Atomic and Homogeneous Model Theorems
Cindy Merrick An Introduction to Lie Groups, Tangent Spaces, and Lie Algebras
Hillary Einziger A Forest Forumla for the Antipode in Incidence Hopf Algebras
Diane Holcomb A Complex Simplification of Differential Geometry
Sara Miller Quinn A Tour of Computable Structure Theory
Tyler White Inverse Limits of One-dim Tiling Spaces and their Cech Cohomology
Shari Wiley Impact of Harvesting in a Discrete Time Predator-Prey Model
Lakeshia Legetta Maximal Groups in the Stone-Cech Compactification of a Discrete Semigroup
Joseph E. Bonin An Introduction to Matroid Theory through Lattice Paths
Yongwu Rong Some Applications of Pure Mathematics

Fall 2007

Michael Moses Compactness in Mathematical Logic
Sarah Pingrey Computability and the Halting Problem
Michele Friend An Introduction to the Realist and Constructivist Philosophies of Mathematics
John B. Conway Matrices and Topology
Jennifer Chubb An Algorithmic Approach to Linear Orderings
Larry Chang An Introduction to de Rahm's Theorem
Larry Chang An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry
Ken Shoda Non-isomorphic Matroids with Same Tutte Polyn. and Lattice of Cylcic Flats
Kerry Luse The Transition Polynomial and Chord Diagarms

Spring 2007

E.A. (Robbie) Robinsion Thirty-six View of the Rauzy Fractal
Barbara Nimershiem Hyperbolic Geometry meets Number Theory
Michael J. Coleman Introduction to Sobolev Spaces and Embeddings
Timothy McNicholl computable Aspects of Inner Functions
Sarah Pingrey Complexity of Relations on Computable Structures
Jennifer Chubb Strong Reducibilities, Scattered Linear Orderings, Ranked Sets, and Kolmogorov Complexity
E. Fanny Jasso-Hernandez and Kerry Luse A Basic Introduction to Some Useful LaTeX Packages

Fall 2006

Ken Shoda An Introduction to Matroids
Sarah Pingrey A Theorem on Strong Degree Spectra
Hillary Einziger The Incidence Hopf Algebra of Finite Lattices
Tetyana Andress Invariants for Discrete Dynamical Systems
Michael J. Coleman Population Models with Ordinary Differential Equations
Radmila Sazdanovic An Introduction to Knot Theory
Milena Pabiniak An Introduction to Symplectic Theory
Fanny Jasso-Hernandez Using Homology Groups to Store Information of Knots and Graphs

This site was maintained by Mike Coleman and Tyler White of the GWU Mathematics Department.

Disclaimer: The views and policies articulated in these pages are those of the authors. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by George Washington University.