GW Law School Fall 2003
A Magazine for Alumni and Friends

GW Law Briefs

Faculty File

News Briefs From Around The Law School


Michael Abramowicz’s “On the Alienability of Legal Claims” was published in the January issue of The Yale Law Journal.

“Smoke, Mirrors, and Shades of Enron!” by Cheryl Block was featured in The Washington Post in February.

Steve Charnovitz published “The Labor Dimension of the Emerging Free Trade Area of the Americas” in Labour Rights as Human Rights (Oxford) and “World Trade Organization: Sanctions for Noncompliance” in International Sanctions (Frank Cass). He also wrote “Toward a World Environment Organization: Reflections Upon a Vital Debate” for the edited volume A World Environment Organization: Solution or Threat for Effective International Environmental Governance? (London, Ashgate).

“Brown and the Contemporary Brazilian Struggle Against Racial Inequality: Some Preliminary Comparative Thoughts” by Robert J. Cottrol was published in 66 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 113 (2004). His review of “The Militia and the Right to Arms, or How the Second Amendment Fell Silent” was published in Volume 81 of the North Carolina Historical Review.

Charles Craver’s review essay, “If Women Don’t Ask: Implications for Bargaining Encounters, the Equal Pay Act, and Title VII” appeared in the Michigan Law Review.

Christy H. DeSanctis published Legal Research and Writing with Foundation Press in May.

“Is Saddam Hussein or International Law on Trial in Iraq?” by Susan Karamanian was published in Conference Proceedings, The Actual Situation in Iraq, Kuwait University Faculty of Law (2004). Her introductory note to Torres v. Oklahoma, No. PCD-04-442 (Okla. Crim. App. May 13, 2004) was published in 43 International Legal Materials 1225 (2004).

The January issue of Columbia Law Review featured Orin Kerr’s “Digital Evidence and the New Criminal Procedure.”

Cynthia Lee’s casebook Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (with Angela Harris), was published by West/Thompson.

The American Journal of International Law published “The Fifty-sixth Session of the International Law Commission” by Michael Matheson. His chapter on “U.S. Security Assistance and Related Programs” appears in the 2005 edition of National Security Law (Moore & Tipson).

Tom Morgan’s “The Client(s) of a Corporate Lawyer” was published in 33 Capital University Law Review 17 as part of a symposium in which his was the principal paper.

Spencer Overton’s “The Donor Class” was published in the University of Pennsylvania Law Review and is available for download from the Social Science Research Network. Overton is writing a book on contemporary voting rights challenges that will be published by W.W. Norton in 2006. Based on his research for that book, he drafted a commentary on proposed photo identification requirements at the polls that appeared in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Roll Call.

“Congressional Investigations of Federal Judges” by Todd Peterson appeared in 90 Iowa Law Review 1 (2004).

Richard Pierce published the 2005 supplement to Administrative Law Treatise.

In March, Peter Raven-Hansen published “Security’s Conquest of Federal Law Enforcement” in Democracy’s Shadow: The Secret World of National Security (Raskin & Levan, 2005) and “Detaining Combatants By Law or By Order? The Rule of Lawmaking in the War on Terrorists” for a symposium in 64 Louisiana Law Review 831 (2004).

“Air Quality Protection Using State Implementation Plans—Thirty-Seven Years of Increasing Complexity” by Arnold Reitze was published at XV Villanova Environmental Law Journal 209 (2005). With co-author Jennifer B. Heaven, he published “The Hydrogen Economy and Its Potential Impacts” in 35 Environmental Law Reporter 10003 (2005).

“Risky Business: Managing Interagency Acquisition” by Steve Schooner was a featured comment in the April 6 issue of The Government Contractor.

The third edition of Michael Selmi’s casebook, Civil Rights Legislation, co-authored with Roy Brooks and Gil Carrasco, will be published by Carolina Academic Press this summer. His “Sex Discrimination in the Nineties, Seventies Style: The Preservation of Male Workplace Norms” was published in Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal.

“The Marshall Court and the Originalist’s Dilemma” by Peter Smith is forthcoming publication in 90 Minnesota Law Review.

The seventh edition of Andy Spanogle’s International Business Transactions in a Nutshell was published by West Group, as was the 2004 edition of his Documents for International Business Transactions.

The Vanderbilt Law Review published Ralph Steinhardt’s “Laying One Bankrupt Critique to Rest: Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain and the Future of International Human Rights Litigation in the Courts of the United States.”

Activities, Awards & Honors

Martin Adelman lectured on the fundamentals of patenting gene sequences at a seminar sponsored by Osaka University in Japan and lectured on claim construction issues in patent cases at the seminar sponsored by Waseda University in Tokyo. In March, he taught a one-day course on patent law to graduate law students and senior practitioners at the New College, University of Edinburgh.

Alberto Benitez joined the newly-formed Hispanic Bar Association of DC’s Advisory Council. He was featured on the panel “The Path from Minority Law Student to Minority Lawyer” at the ABA Diversity Career Panel sponsored by the ABA/Law Student Division.

At the University of Michigan Law School in February, Paul Butler spoke about critical race theory. He also gave the keynote address at the annual Rebellious Lawyering Conference at Yale Law School. He spoke on African American prosecutors in February as part of Stanford Law School’s observance of Black History Month.

Naomi Cahn presented “Women in Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Dilemmas and Directions” at a conference sponsored by the William & Mary Women’s Law Journal. In March, she presented on juvenile justice at the symposium “The Mind of a Child: The Relationship Between Brain Development, Cognitive Functioning, and Accountability Under the Law,” which was held at Ohio State University.

The U.S. Agency for International Development named Arturo Carrillo senior adviser on human rights policy for its Human Rights Program in Colombia.

At the University of Maryland Law School’s Sports Law Symposium, W. Burlette Carter served on a panel addressing “Amateur and Olympic Sports Issues.”

In March, Steve Charnovitz gave a presentation on World Trade Organization dispute settlement at a conference held at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington. In April, he was the moderator for a roundtable on the WTO appellate body held at the annual meeting of the American Society of International Law.

Robert J. Cottrol was an invited speaker at the conference “Race, Inequality and Education: Challenges for Affirmative Action in Brazil and the United States,” which was sponsored by the Division of United States Studies and Brazil and held at the State University of Bahia and the University of Brasilia, and was also an invited speaker at the seminar “Exits From Slavery and Public Policies,” which was sponsored by UNESCO and held in Brazil.

Speaking on different aspects of negotiation, Charles Craver made two presentations at the Multistate Tax Symposium in Orlando.

Carol Izumi was selected as one of 12 national “Japanese American Leaders” for a delegation visiting Japan in March.

In April, Orin Kerr presented a paper at an information privacy law symposium hosted by the Fordham Law Review, and made a presentation in Seattle at the conference “Computers, Freedom, and Privacy.” In April, he sat on a panel at Harvard Journal of Law & Technology’s annual symposium in Cambridge, Mass.

Susan Jones became chair-elect of the AALS Section on Clinical Legal Education. In February, she was the Martin Luther King Jr. speaker at Washington University in St. Louis School of Law. Jones was also the Clason speaker at Western New England College School of Law; her talks were titled “An Economic Justice Imperative.”

In March, Michael Matheson participated in a televised panel discussion on the International Criminal Court at the Organization of American States. At the end of April, he left for Geneva to participate in the 2005 session of the UN International Law Commission as the American member.

Tom Morgan participated in panel discussions on the legal ethics of corporate lawyers at the New Jersey Corporate Counsel Association and the ABA Section of Business Law.

In April, Sean Murphy represented the government of Ethiopia at a two-week hearing in The Hague of the Eritrea Ethiopia Claims Commission on claims relating to the unlawful use of force and international humanitarian law. He returned in June for a conference on the United States and international tribunals, where he delivered a paper on the relationship between the United States and the International Court of Justice.

Richard Pierce presented a paper on state regulatory obstacles to pursuit of national energy policy goals at Duke. He participated in a debate at American University on the question whether Judge Royce Lamberth engaged in judicial misconduct by charging scores of government attorneys with contempt and requiring DOI to disconnect all of its computers from the Internet for a period of years in the dispute in which Native Americans are seeking to compel DOI to account for $40 billion that the plaintiffs claim they are owed.

In April, Alfreda Robinson gave a presentation to the U.S. Senate on “America’s Courts: Judicial Nominations and Beyond” at the National Urban League’s second annual Legislative Policy Conference, and a presentation on “Federal Judicial Nominations,” at the NBA’s Gertrude Rush mid-year meeting and board of director’s meeting.

In March, Steve Schooner discussed “Government and Contracting” at the Harvard Law School conference “Governance by Design: Cost, Effectiveness, and Democratic Norms.” He also made a series of presentations on public procurement at the WTO’s regional workshop on government procurement for Arab and Middle Eastern countries in Amman, Jordan.

In February, Peter Smith moderated a panel on “Government Accountability and the Role of the Inspectors General,” which included the inspectors general of the Department of Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency and an assistant inspector general at the Office of Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.

At the spring meeting of the International Law Section of the ABA in April, Andy Spanogle was the featured speaker at a program on letters of credit.

Ralph Steinhardt presented “The Evolution of a Counter-Terrorist Jurisprudence” at New York University Law School; “The Future of the Alien Tort Claims Act” at Yale Law School; and “Review of the 2003 Supreme Court Term” at the annual meeting of the American Society of International Law. He also served as an expert witness in a federal case brought by the Presbyterian Church of Sudan against the Talisman Company for its complicity in human rights violations committed by the Sudanese government.

Working to expand access to the legal system for those who cannot afford to hire an attorney, Joan Strand was appointed to the 17-member District of Columbia Access to Justice Commission.

In January, Sonia Suter testified before the privacy subcommittee of the Department of Health and Human Services National Committee on Vital Health and Statistics regarding the importance of genetic privacy.

In May, Robert Tuttle and Chip Lupu gave the annual lecture at DePaul University’s Center for Church-State Studies and a presentation on the Faith-Based Initiative at the annual meeting of Lutheran Services in America.

Amanda Tyler’s “Continuity, Coherence, and the Canons,” which appeared in the Northwestern Law Review, was awarded the AALS Outstanding Scholarly Paper Award at the January 2005 AALS conference in San Francisco.

The Board of Regents of the American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers selected Art Wilmarth’s “The OCC’s Preemption Rules Exceed the Agency’s Authority and Present a Serious Threat to the Dual Banking System and Consumer Protection” as the best law review article published in the field of consumer financial services in 2004. His article was published in 23 Annual Review of Banking and Financial Law 225-364 (2004). Wilmarth received the 2005 Oscar and Shoshanna Trachtenberg Prize for University Service in May.

Christopher Yukins hosted a colloquium in February, “Organizational Conflicts of Interest: Emerging Issues” at the Law School. He participated in an ABA panel on “Procurement Reform: Grading Our Progress and Charting the Course” in Annapolis, Md., in February.

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