The Inaugural Parade of William McKinley in 1896. 1978-1980. 44x88.

The first Inaugural of William McKinley took place on March 4, 1897 with a gigantic parade in which many military bands and brigades participated. In the carriage are the incoming President, the outgoing President, Grover Cleveland, and U.S. House Speaker John Sherman. The image is indepted to the great stereoptician photos of William Pan which the artist interlaced to form the expanded view of the scene as witnessed by those present, but never seen as a whole image. This is one of the first of a series which the artist calls "Parades Gone By" celebrating the great occasions on "The Avenue" from the latter part of the Nineteenth Century through the first half of the Twentieth. The Wright painting shows what was witnessed but never seen as an image.


The artist interlocked stereocards of William Rau's photos of the parade for his painting. Photographic enlargements were made of sections of the stereocards and pieced together. The images were completely compatible becasue Rau turned his camera on his tripod without moving.

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