I. Заполните пропуски

Я хочу [1 - to introduce you to Pavel Andreevich] ________________________________________ ___________________. Он [2 - translates from English to Russian] _____________________________. ______________ А [3 - his wife is named Marina] _______________________. [4 - she’s thirty-four years old - always write out numbers] ____________________________________________________. Мы [5 - got married] ________________________________ несколько лет назад. Я [6 - am three years older than she is] ______________________________________________. Марина сейчас [7 - studies] _________________ в аспирантуре. Она [8 - studies] ______________________________________ политологию. Она [9 - will finish grad school] _____________________________________________ [10 - next year] _________________________________________________________. Но мы ещё не знаем, [11 - what she will work as] _______________________________________________________. Может быть, [12 - she will become a famous journalist] _______________________________________.

II. Заполните пропуски

Сейчас хочу рассказать о [13 - своя мать] _________________________________. [14 - My mother is named Zhenya] _____________________________________________________________ [15 - she was only 24 - always write out numbers], ___________________________________ когда я родился. [16 - after she graduated from college] ____________________________________________, она [17 - applied to graduate school to the language department] _________________________________, ________________________________________________________________ но [18 - she didn’t get in] __________________________________________________________. Через два года она [19 - met my father] ________________________________________________________ и вскоре после этого они [20 - got married] ________________________________________________.

III. Заполните пропуски.

– Витя, [21 - what sport do you play] _____________________________________?

– Я не очень [22 - do sports] ___________________________, но мой любимый [23 - sport] _______________________________ – плавание. Я [24 - go to the pool] ________________ _______________________ два [25 - times per week] _____________________________. Вот и ещё [26 -once a month] _____________________________________ [27 - I go to the gym - спортивный зал] _______________________________________________________________.


IV. Заполните пропуски.

– Зоя, [28 - where are you going] _____________________________________?
– Я [29 - am going to a concert] _________________________________________________. [30 - on Sundays] __________________________ устраивают бесплатные концерты в Доме культуре, и мы [31 - with the family] _________________________ часто [32 - go] _____________________.

V. Переведите на русский язык.

[33] Katya got married last year. She also applied to college. Kirill also got married.
[34] Kirill is a year younger than Katya.
[35] Kirill has been working in a factory as the main engineer for a long time now.
[36] Katya goes to classes in the mornings.
[37] Next year Katya will graduate.
[38] Then she will apply to grad school. If she does not get in, she can work as a technical translator.
[39] Kirill also wants to go to school.
[40] “Were you at school (university) today?” “Yes, I went to school at 9am.”
[41] Sometimes we go visiting friends. Sometimes we invite friends to visit us.
[42] We’ve been going to school for a week already.