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About the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
How to Make a FOIA Request 
Government Guidance, Directives and Statistics on FOIA
United States Department of Justice Summary of Annual FOIA Reports for Fiscal Year 2000
The Freedom of Information Act Turns 35
On July 4, 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the Freedom of Information Act. Since that day, it has been vigorously debated and occasionally amended, reflecting public pressures and the political struggle between the legislative and executive branches of government.  In honor of the 35th anniversary of the FOIA, the National Security Archive presents a documentary review of the history of the FOIA through Democratic and Republican administrations and congresses.
Since becoming law in 1966, and particularly after the 1974 amendments, the FOIA has proved increasingly popular as a means for the public to obtain access to government records. According to data compiled by the US Department of Justice’s Office of Information and Privacy, the latest (Fiscal Year 1999) government-wide figures are as follows:

Total Number of Requests Received: 1,965,919

Total Number of Requests Processed: 1,939,668

Total Costs of the Administration of the FOIA: $286,546,488

Analysis of Selected Agencies’ Annual Reports for FOIA for Fiscal Years 1998-2000, by Sajit Gandhi, National Security Archive (Microsoft PowerPoint, 1.8MB)
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