Cloning and Stem Cell Research


Timothy McCaffrey 
Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Professor McCaffrey's current research involves using adult stem cells to help repair cardiac damage.

Office: (202) 994-8919

Paul R. Gindoff 
Director of GW Medical Center's Division Reproductive Endocrinology, Fertility and In Vitro Fertilization
Professor Gindoff is a board certified reproductive endocrinologist and has been doing clinical IVF for 15 years. He has written scientific papers and lectured on cloning and the bioethics of cloning both nationally and internationally. A board certified reproductive endocrinologist, he has been performing clinical IVF for 15 years. He also has experience in human embryo research.

Office: (202) 994-5060

Kenneth Schaffner
University Professor of Humanities
Professor Schaffner's focus on medical ethics includes biomedical research and the human genome project.

Office: (202) 994-0338

Sonia M. Suter

Associate Professor of Law

Professor Suter joined the Law School faculty in 1999 after holding a Greenwall Fellowship in bioethics and health policy at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities. Following law school, where she was executive articles editor of the Michigan Law Review, Professor Suter clerked for Judge John M. Walker, Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Prior to attending law school, she earned a master's degree in human genetics. She then worked as a genetic counselor for two years. Professor Suter has taught torts and courses on genetics and  law and bioethics at the University of Michigan Law School. Professor Suter's scholarship focuses on legal issues in medicine and genetics as well as bioethics.

Office: (202) 994-9557

Fatah Kashanchi
Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Kashanchi's research into genomics and proteins includes issues involving cloning and stem cells.

Office:(202) 994-1781

Tim G. Hales
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Genetic Specialist
Professor Hales is an expert on the treatments of disease through genetics. He has closely followed the Human Genome Project.

Office: (202) 994-3546

Harry Yeide 

Professor of Religion

Professor Yeide has played a major role in the establishment of various interdisciplinary study programs including most recently in the fields of bio-ethics and peace studies. He has written a number of articles on religion and ethics and has recently published a book on classical Pietism.

Office: (202) 994-3967

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