Washington National Cathedral in Late Afternoon Light.
Oil on linen. 48 x 70 in. 2000

This painting of the Washington National Cathedral was commissioned by friends of the Cathedral, one of whom sings in the Cathedral choir. The artist's intention was to paint the Cathedral in Canaletto-like light complete with its delicate gothic tracery, finials and crockets.

When the painting was finished it was "unveiled" with members of the Cathedral choir singing the anthem "Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow" after a dedication speech dedication given by the Canon of the Cathedral. The artist thought that at any moment, a host of angels would descend from the heavens and lift him up in a shaft of light!

Although the Cathedral was one of the most complex structures he had ever attempted, the artist was pleased to paint this exulted edifice because he followed its construction when it was resumed after World War II when he was a child. At that time only Bethlehem Chapel was complete. Frank Wright and his parents attended many Episcopal church services in this rare and beautiful place.


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