The Mall 2000.

This work, commissioned by J &B Marsh & McLennan was done several years ago for the board room of its new Washington office. For the past two decades, Frank Wright has done many paintings of the Mall, all of which are in major public and private collections and can be seen on his website under the Category Washington Life.

Most of these paintings have a vantage point looking down the Mall in the direction of the Washington Monument with theCarousel and the Smithsonian on the left. All of them show people enjoying Washington life on Sundays and holidays.

This is the largest and most detailed of the group and concentrates on the wide array of people who take pleasure and pride in the Nation's capital: cyclists, tourists, picnickers and young people who take advantage of the location for playing ball or frisbee. In the center foreground a father is trying to take the perfect shot of his little boy with the Monument in the background.

This is the most recent of Frank Wright's mall scenes but not the last.


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