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Peter Charles L’Enfant: Vision, Honor, and Male Friendship in the Early American Republic

By Kenneth Russell Bowling

Published by the Friends of the GW Libraries, October 2002


This richly-illustrated biography of the French-born American Peter L’Enfant is the first to look at its subject from the perspective of his times and contemporaries.  It focuses on the years before and after his famous plan for the city of Washington and on his relationships with such male friends and patrons as George Washington (whom L’Enfant made grovel), Alexander Hamilton (whom L’Enfant challenged to a duel), the Swedish Consul Richard Soderstrom (whom L’ Enfant lost everything to in a “palimony” suit), and the retired spy Thomas Atwood Digges (in whose home L’Enfant at last found sanctuary).  The book concludes with L’Enfant’s resurrection and reburial at the turn of the Twentieth Century as a Frenchman name Pierre Charles L’Enfant and with the role those events played in bringing the United states in World War I on the side of France rather than Germany.


All book sale proceeds to support the work of the First Federal Congress Project at The George Washington University.  Copies can by purchased by mailing a filled out page of this form to the

First Federal Congress Project

Suite 255

2120 L Street, NW

Washington, DC, 20037


The cost of the book is $15 per copy.  Checks should be made out to “The Peter L’Enfant Fund”




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